Acupuncture Pen, Facial Reflexology Tools Stainless Steel, Trigger Point Massager Tool, Deep Tissue Massage Tool- Manual Acupuncture Massage Pen for Full Body Meridian Pain Relief
Acupuncture Pen, Facial Reflexology Tools Stainless Steel, Trigger Point Massager Tool, Deep Tissue Massage Tool- Manual Acupuncture Massage Pen for Full Body Meridian Pain Relief
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization is a technique which can help you immediately be relieved from muscle tension and pain. The myofascial can become expansion and contraction by repeatedly scraping the muscle with a Acupuncture Pen,. Therefore, it will accelerate blood circulation and metabolism to make your skin tissue more elastic, eliminate your muscle’s lactic acid and fascial nodules, and reduce your fatigue. Applicable to many parts of the body: acupoints /guasha /tendons/ massage/relaxing/warming up
Product Features
- Various functions: The fascia tool is very suitable for the relaxation of the trigger point. Using it can prevent injuries before exercise and speed up recovery after exercise. You can relieve painful muscle knots and aches in your back, neck, shoulders and so on by simple movements.
- Wide audience: The product is easy to use and it is suitable for all people who want to relieve sports pain. Whether you have pain in your feet, legs, arms, shoulders, neck or back, you can use this tool to relieve it. Physical therapists also often use it to treat patients.
- Protect your thumb and wrist: Free-hand treatment will cause great damage to your wrist and thumb. This tool can not only prevent your thumb and wrist from injuries, but also improve the efficiency of the massage.
- Two massage heads: This trigger point relaxation tool has two main massage heads, and you can choose to use a large or small massage head depending on different situation.
- Durable and safe: Made of premium stainless steel, no plating, no oxidation. 360-degree all-round fine polishing, the massage tool surface is really smooth to touch and cares for your skin. Easy to wash and dry to keep the tool clean and sanitary.
Buy with confidence as this product comes with 18 months full local warranty in Australia & New Zealand (unless otherwise stated in the overview).
This product also comes with the benefits of the CocoonPower Warranty. For further details please read our Warranty Guidelines.
You can also purchase 3 Year Extended Care. If you are interested please see our Extended Care Information.